Frequently Asked Questions
Who can join Board Executive Search?
We work with companies of all sizes. Our corporate members include private corporations, start-ups, private equity firms and their portfolio companies, hedge funds, venture capital firms and their portfolio companies, and publicly traded corporations.
Board Executive Search does not work with non-profit organizations directly, but we are happy to refer you to one of our partners specializing in non-profit recruitment.
Does it cost anything to join Board Executive Search?
No. Joining Board Executive Search is free. We work with companies on a contingency basis and charge a success fee for each successful placement.
Our Board isn’t looking for new members right now, so why should we join BoardExecutiveSearch?
We have found that the best boards are always looking for good board members. Even if you don't have any current openings, things could change at any time. Board Executive Search ensures that when the time comes to fill an open board seat (be it planned or unexpected), you have a strategy already in place for recruitment. As a member, you can also access the valuable resources we share with our member companies, keeping you informed on all board-related matters.
Our Board already has a few candidates in mind for an open board seat. Why do we need Board Executive Search?
That’s fantastic; planning ahead for board succession is a good strategy. However, Board Executive Search is not meant to replace your own network. Instead, Board Executive Search helps you cast a wider net and supplements your recruitment process by providing board and nominating committees with access to an exceptional community of highly-regarded board candidates who may in fact be more qualified than the candidate(s) you have already identified. In addition, Board Executive Search provides your board with the tools necessary to manage the entire recruitment process—from identifying potential candidates all the way through to the final decision.
What is your success rate?
We have a 97% success rate for exclusive searches. For non-exclusive engagements, the success rate depends on too many factors out of our control. Board Executive Search consistently exceeds the target and goals for each phase of the search, and regardless of the type of engagement, we have never failed to present one or more qualified candidates within the agreed-upon timeframe.
Our company already has a Board of Directors. Why should we consider adding an Advisory Board?
A separate advisory board has many benefits, but we highly recommend it because it allows your company to develop a pool of qualified candidates. It allows you to have another group of people from whom you may select new board members when openings become available.
Who should be the contact person for our account?
It depends, specifically, on the type of organization and what the organization is looking for in terms of prospect positions (Board of Directors, Advisory Board, Committee). For instance, if it is a small private company looking to form an Advisory Board, the business owner should maintain the account and serve as the contact. Larger companies looking to fill open seats on the Board of Directors should have someone from executive management (CEO, Executive Director, etc.) or a member of the Board – perhaps the Chair or someone from the Board’s Nominating Committee. In a situation where the management serves as the contact, the important thing is to ensure that there is open communication with the Board regarding potential prospects. For a public company, the Corporate Secretary will often be the contact person.
How can we get a Board announcement posted to your website?
More often than not, board searches need to be kept highly confidential. For this reason, we do not maintain a public database of board openings. Please reach out to your account executive and our team will craft a customized strategy based on your requirements. Once you approve the proposed recruitment plan, we'll start the outreach process and start submitting qualified candidates for your consideration.
We already work with an executive recruitment firm. Why do we need Board Executive Search?
The competitive nature of board recruitment requires that boards always be searching for candidates who can add value in the boardroom. If a member of your board suddenly retires or steps-down from the board, do you already have candidates "on the radar" whom you can turn to in order to potentially fill that opening? Board Executive Search provides the solution to that problem by providing effective and cost-effective tools to engage in the board-recruitment process year-round.
Our Board search needs to stay confidential. Is it possible for our corporation to remain anonymous?
Yes. Your Board Executive Search account & profile is never visible to the public, and you can't be contacted by any of our candidates or other members. We require all our candidates to sign an NDA before we work with them. Even when we actively try to fill an open role on your board, your privacy is our top priority, and our team does not share identifiable information with the candidates. Your company remains completely anonymous throughout the search, allowing you to only reveal yourself to the candidate(s) you wish to interview.
Are there any success fees?
Yes, we charge a fixed rate success fee. This amount depends on several factors, including the type of role and its requirements. Our success fee is a fraction of the fee charged by traditional recruiting firms and is always agreed upon in writing before we start working on an engagement. While we never limit your search to our current network, we offer a significant discount if the selected candidate is a current member of our network, allowing you to save even more.
If I can't find an answer to my question here, what should I do?
Please email us your question or concern at info@boardexecutivesearch.com and we'll be happy to help you.
What kind of opportunities are available through Board Executive Search?
Our primary focus is non-executive board director positions, but we also recruit for other roles which allow direct engagement with the Board of Directors (BOD). These include Advisory Board, Committee, and Board Observer roles.
We do not recruit for unpaid board roles or volunteer opportunities.
What kind of companies do you work with?
We work with companies of all sizes. Our corporate members include private corporations, start-ups, private equity firms and their portfolio companies, hedge funds, venture capital firms and their portfolio companies, and publicly traded corporations.
Do you recruit for non-profit board roles?
Board Executive Search does not work with non-profit organizations directly but we are happy to refer you to one of our partners specializing in non-profit recruitment.
Who can join Board Executive Search?
Board Executive Search is for all current and prospective board members, and there are no established criteria for membership. Still, we generally consider individuals board-ready when they’ve met one of the following criteria:
- Founder or CEO of a company with $5 million or more in annual revenue
- VP level and above at a company with $25 million or more in annual revenue
- Director level and above at a company with $100 million or more in annual revenue
- Significant leadership experience in government, politics, or military
- Influencer, thought leader, or domain expert in their industry
We recognize that exceptional talent can come from all types of backgrounds. If you think you’re board-ready and do not meet the abovementioned qualifications, we encourage you to apply.
Are there any subscription fees?
No. There are no subscription fees to Join Board Executive Search. We charge a success fee for every appointment that results from an opportunity presented by us. The success fee of each Board role is disclosed and agreed upon at the invitation stage. Members are under no obligation to accept the position at any stage of the process. The success fee is due in full 30 days after the appointment date.
How can I join Board Executive Search?
The application process is easy. Just visit the Get Started page and select "Individual Signup" to access the application form. You will hear back from the Board Executive Search team within 1 business day. Qualified applicants are invited for a phone interview. Applicants who pass the interview round are assigned an account executive who works with you to complete the onboarding process and the fun begins!
What happens after my application is approved?
Our talent management team helps you onboard and works with you to determine where your board governance skills would be best directed based on your geographical, industry, and other preferences. Once we decide on a direction for your board search, we will start matching you with exciting opportunities.
I already serve on several boards. Why would I want to join Board Executive Search?
The benefit of Board Executive Search is that it allows our members to effectively promote their own value proposition to corporate boards without spending any time in the search process. It is important to understand that just because you become a Board Executive Search member doesn’t mean you have to join a board.
If I am only interested in a position on a Board of Directors, can I exclude other types of roles?
You can share your preference with our team, and we can limit your search to BOD roles only, but we do not recommend limiting your search criteria to BOD roles only. A board you are very interested in may also be interested in you but may not have an opening at the present time. By getting involved in the company in some other capacity (Advisory Board, Committee, Observer), you are putting yourself in a position to demonstrate your value and possibly join the board when an opening becomes available, so we highly recommend you do not limit your search to BOD roles only.
Do you guarantee a board appointment if I join?
No - we do not provide such a guarantee.
If I can't find an answer to my question here, what should I do?
Please email us your question or concern at info@boardexecutivesearch.com and we'll be happy to help you.
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Identify and Recruit World-Class Board Members
Board Executive Search is transforming boardroom recruitment by providing organizations with an extremely cost-effective platform to identify and recruit world class board members.